Facebook SIG Group
Question1- If you have teaching qualifications, in what ways have they helped you get jobs or have you managed to get jobs without them?
R.B: I teach at a club on a Saturday and I got that job because the lady came to watch a show I was in at a theatre in Leicester and I emailed her company a year later to ask of vacancies and she remembered me from watching the show and offered me the job. She said on the phone normally she would arrange an interview or an audition but I didn't need to. I help in schools but only as an assistant and I do not have any teaching qualification to do this but they are aware I am doing BAPP. Obviously I cannot apply for a teacher position until I have my degree. X
L.W: I think generally nowadays you're required to teach a class as an audition having your future employers watching. I've lead plenty of musical workshops for children and future professionals but that's all been off the back of performing in the shows themselves. From that I have secured regular work teaching jazz or tap classes. I gained my RAD and ISTD associates while at college but not wanting to teach syllabus I've never put them to use. In the current climate teaching qualifications are becoming a necessity....I'm not sure why.....does anyone know?
R.B: I think it's because as it's more becoming more popular in schools the government are saying you have to have a degree to teach science etc so why is dance any different, but going to university for a scientist is how they learn their subject. Us performers learn our subject by doing it in shows etc and I don't think the government fully understand this. I have had teachers that went to university to study dance but have never worked in the industry and are no where near as good as true professionals.
Question 2 (teachers) - Do you think your training has effected the way you teach, if so, how?
K.G: Absolutely!! There have been so many teachers that inspired me! Their style and even them having a vast variety of styles. I also feel that I now expect high standards so drive the kids as much as possible n push them to the point that I know is there best! I don't accept the word 'can't' anymore.
L.W: I agree with Kimberley. Positive effects from teachers you've had influence your manner and style of teaching. You'll sub-conscienceley take the, what you consider, best attributes of all your teachers and use them yourself. The same goes for the negative aspects. Techniques you weren't fond of, you'll steer clear of. I believe this all to be dependent on which age group you're referring to? With students who've serious intentions of being professionals your teaching style and attitude will change dramatically to those students for whom it's just a hobby. It's all relevant to specifics.
R.B I think it has definitely because I have learnt from teachers I have been taught by and taken on board things they have taught me and their methods of teaching. Also I have picked out good things from good teachers I have experienced that I want to be like or incorporate in my teaching and the same with the bad experiences I have had from teachers, I will be sure not to be like them. From training I have decided what kind of teacher I want to be x
N.M: Yes, definitely! Many of the vocal warm-ups I learnt at collage I use within my own singing teaching warm-ups. I was inspired by many teachers and they made me the performer/teacher I am today. My training has helped me be more imaginative/creative in teaching style but also taught me to be firm and encourage positive behaviour and encourage pupils to be disciplined and respectful. My training made me work hard to achieve success if you don't put the hard work in then you'll never improve and better yourself this work ethic I bring into everyday life and at work.
K.L.W: Yes defo I learnt so much at college by having different Teachers it helped me more, as the teacher would teach you in there own ways which I found some easier than others and it made me look at different movement in another light
Question3 What are some qualities you feel you have as a teacher/or qualities teachers should have?
K.G : I think for definite you need to have a fun side for the children and a good sense of humour all round, but being firm like you mentioned in an earlier post.