Monday 25 November 2013

Task 3A - Current Networks

There are many current networks that professional practitioners use everyday like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to name but a few. They often post updates about new shows or programmes/films that they will be appearing in. Some celebrities use twitter to engage with their fans directly and some sites like Flickr and Instagram allow fans to follow and see pictures posted from the celebs themselves. I myself follow people that I admire on Instagram and Twitter so I can see what they are doing and I like the fact that I can tweet and chat to them directly. 

I have noticed that many social networks these days are crucial for for advertising. Not only celebrities advertise but also companies like shops and restaurants. There are many Facebook pages, for example, that are constantly sending out messages and posting pictures notifying the public about new offers and stores opening. 

I am a member of a few social network sites, mainly for socialising with friends and family; though they are also very useful for finding out about upcoming jobs and auditions available. I have previously found out about a few auditions through some people that I follow that are in the industry and some friends that I have on facebook. Google is also an essential, I will continue to search for auditions as google usually finds me many answers! 

As a teacher I have had a few requests from my pupils on some social networking sites. When I was a student, my teachers were not allowed to associate with me on these sites which I completely agreed with. I have had to delete my requests as it would be completely unprofessional to have my pupils on my profile. This is where my professional work and private life must stay separate. I would not want them to see my pictures from my holidays for example. I think that in the near future I will make a new page that I could make public and advertise my work and professional profile. It is essential that, as professional workers in the industry, we must keep our profiles on private and be very selective of who we allow to comment and see our posts & pictures. 

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