Friday 29 November 2013

3C - Sources of Information

Sources of information. I use Web 2.0 in everyday life as my main sources of information. I seem to rely on the internet an awful lot and I wonder how we ever coped without it! 

Google is the main site I do my research on. It is reliable and always contains the information I am looking for; there are many agents and audition websites that I often search on, all of which can be found on google. It's also a great learning tool. The great image section allows me to find pictures for my posters I create when advertising and writing newsletters. The videos are useful for researching choreography, learning new styles of dance and listening to new music tracks. Google Maps is also an extremely helpful part of the online Google site; often I have to travel to new venues and/or schools for my work and google maps shows a clear view of where I need to go and different form of transport with directions. 

I use Facebook as a source of information for my practice. I have a few friends on my profile that are in the industry that often post about jobs or shows. There are also many pages and groups that I have joined to find out about upcoming opportunities. 

Work is very important, I work as a teacher in a few different schools at the moment. It is essential that I work well with the other teachers. I often discuss teaching techniques with them and get feedback on how I am teaching. I learn new ways of keeping the class fun and active, also methods of maintaining a happy, safe environment and good behaviour. 

Twitter is another source of information very useful for my professional work. I have previously found out about auditions from a few accounts that i follow which is really helpful. Without the use of Web 2.0 and these cleverly created social networking sites, I would miss out on many events that would help me in my career. 

Friends, my final way of sourcing information. Thankfully I trained at an academy with many teachers who have all worked in the Musical Theatre business in one way or another. I made lots of friends with my past teachers and fellow students over the years and continue to meet new people whilst working in the industry at the moment. After all - it's all about who you know isn't it? Just talking to friends, having a catch up, teaches me many new aspects of the professional industry. We can discuss future auditions that may be coming up or our previous experiences. There are always new jobs around or someone I know, who may be holding a casting or going to one, who will tell me of these updates. This I consider a casual way of resourcing information, most of the time it is unintentional, because they are my friends, it's only natural that we discuss these sort of things as we chat but obviously, these pieces of "information" are always helpful to my career and help me to learn too. 

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